

  1. 硕士学位:the master’s degree
  2. 博士学位:the doctor’s degree; Ph. D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
  3. 学术表现:academic performance
  4. 学术成就:academic performance
  5. 成就;成绩:accomplishment
  6. 求职者(2 个):job hunter; job applicant
  7. 简历:resume
  8. 传统书籍:traditional book
  9. 理论与实践:theory and practice
  10. 课外活动:extracurricular activity
  11. 拓宽视野:broaden one’s horizons
  12. 必修课:compulsory course
  13. 选修课(3 个):selective course; optional course; elective course
  14. 教学大纲:syllabus
  15. 素质教育:quality-oriented education
  16. 应试教育:test-oriented education
  17. 学生会:Student’s Union
  18. 名牌大学:prestigious university
  19. 激烈竞争:fierce competition
  20. 身心健康:physical and mental health
  21. 树立积极榜样:set a positive example
  22. 代沟:generation gap
  23. 娱乐活动:recreational activity
  24. 丰富知识:enrich one’s knowledge
  25. 尖子生(2 个):top student; straight-A student
  26. 发挥潜能:fulfill one’s potential
  27. 高校排名:university ranking
  28. 高校扩招:expansion of college enrollment
  29. 竞争性考试:competitive examination
  30. 高考:the college entrance examination
  31. 辍学:drop out of school
  32. 研究所:research institution
  33. 努力(3 个):attempt; endeavor; strive;
  34. 接受教育:receive education
  35. 实现目标:realize the goal
  36. 劳动力市场:labor market
  37. 获得大学文凭:get diploma
  38. 外来务工人员:migrant worker
  39. 课外班:after-school class
  40. 被……录取:be admitted to
  41. 重要决定:significant decision
  42. 报名参加(2 个):enroll for; sign up for
  43. 重点学校:key school
  44. 职业学校:vocational college
  45. 重视(4 个):put emphasis on; attach importance to; emphasize; highlight
  46. 教育资源:educational resources
  47. 欠发达地区:underdeveloped region
  48. 促进教育公平:promote equity in education
  49. 改善教育设施:improve educational facilities
  50. 义务教育:compulsory education
  51. 乐器:instrument
  52. 绘画工具:painting tool
  53. 毕业生:graduates
  54. 教育工作者:educators
  55. 培养(3 个):cultivate; forster; develop
  56. 关键时期:crucial period
  57. 养成……的习惯:develop a habit
  58. 培养……的兴趣:cultivate an interest
  59. 基本素质:essential quality
  60. 光明前途:promising future
  61. 大一学生:freshman
  62. 大二学生:sophomore
  63. 大三学生:junior student
  64. 大四学生:senior student
  65. 文科(2 个):liberal arts; humanities
  66. 理科:sciences
  67. 招生录取:recruitment and enrollment
  68. 食堂(2 个):canteen; dinning hall
  69. 员工:staff
  70. 全体老师:faculty
  71. 职业培训:vocational training
  72. 就业指导:career guidance
  73. 激发兴趣:stimulate interest
  74. 学生减负:reduce study load
  75. 研讨会:seminar
  76. 考研:take the postgraduate entrance exam
  77. 创业:start one’s own business
  78. 出国留学:study abroad
  79. 申请入学:apply for admission to
  80. 专门人才:professional personnel
  81. 奖学金:scholarship
  82. 学分:credits
  83. 本硕毕业论文:thesis
  84. 博士毕业论文:dissertation
  85. 学费:tuition fee
  86. 教授:professor
  87. 副教授:associcate professor
  88. 讲师:lecturer
  89. 学习氛围:learning atmosphere
  90. 逃课:skip class
  91. 德智体美劳全面发展:all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor education


  1. 环境污染:enviromental pollution
  2. 空气污染:air pollution
  3. 水污染:water pollution
  4. 一次性塑料袋:disposable plastic bag
  5. 节能环保:energy saving and enviromental protection
  6. 淡水资源短缺:the shortage of fresh water
  7. 沙尘暴:sandstorm
  8. 动物灭绝:extinction fo animals
  9. 濒危动物:endangered animals
  10. 生态失衡:the disruption of the ecological balance
  11. 再生资源回收:the recycling of renewable resources
  12. 绿色能源:green energy
  13. 过度使用农药:the over-usage of pesticide
  14. 乱砍滥伐:the over-cutting of the forest
  15. 频繁的水旱灾:frequent floods and droughts
  16. 灾难性的:devastating
  17. 咸水湖:saltwater lake
  18. 淡水湖:fresh lake
  19. 捕鱼业:fishing industry
  20. 海拔 X 米:X meter above the sea level
  21. 平方千米:square kilometer
  22. 候鸟:migrant bird
  23. 迁徙路线:migrant route
  24. 迁徙过程:process of migration
  25. 观鸟者:birdwatcher
  26. 中国传统园林:traditional Chinese garden
  27. 位于:be located in
  28. 栖息地:habitates
  29. 旅游目的地:destination
  30. 文化遗产:cultcural heritage
  31. 古迹:historical site
  32. 珠江:the Pearl River
  33. 长江:the Yangtze River
  34. 黄河:the Yellow River
  35. 发源地:birthplace
  36. 三角洲地区:delta region
  37. 注入;流入:empty into
  38. 流经:flow through
  39. 制造中心:manufacturing center
  40. 灌溉:irrigate
  41. 景点:scenic attraction
  42. 沿海城市:coastal city
  43. 风景独特(2 个):unique natural scenery; distinctive scenery
  44. 云海:the sea of cloud
  45. 宏伟壮丽:miganificence
  46. 湿润气候:humid climate
  47. 大熊猫:gaint panda
  48. 以竹为食:bamboo-eating
  49. 被列为(3 个):be listed as; be grouped as; be classified as;
  50. 熊科:bear family
  51. 面临威胁:under threat
  52. 生存(2 个):existence; survival
  53. 草药:herb
  54. 宜人的居住环境:pleasant living enviroment
  55. 节约自然资源:conserve natural
  56. 砍伐森林:deforestation
  57. 沙漠化:desertification
  58. 自然灾害:natural disaster
  59. 垃圾分类:garbage classification
  60. 低碳经济:low carbon economy
  61. 全球变暖:global warning
  62. 环保产品:enviroment-friendly products
  63. 废水(2 个):waste water; sewage
  64. 环境恶化(2 个):environmental degradation ; environmental deterioration
  65. 开发可再生资源:develop the renewable resources
  66. 污染预防:pollution prevention
  67. 污染控制:pollution control
  68. 控制环境污染:curb the enviromental pollution
  69. 提倡:advocate
  70. 号召:call on
  71. 自然宝藏:natural treasure
  72. 享誉盛名:earn a great reputation
  73. 有 X 年历史:has a history of X years
  74. 渔村:fishing village
  75. 水乡:water town
  76. 偏远地区:remote area
  77. 日出:sunrise
  78. 日落:sunset
  79. 温泉:outspring
  80. 瀑布:waterfall
  81. 建筑:archietecture
  82. 寺庙:temple
  83. 摄影:photography
  84. 背包旅行:backpacking
  85. 背包客: backpacker
  86. 络绎不绝:in an endless steam
  87. 住宅:dwelling
  88. 集市:markect
  89. 庭院:countryard
  90. 美不胜收:be too beautiful to be absorbed all at once
  91. 闻名遐迩:enjoy widespread renown
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1.1 基础和时态


类型 从句 主句
与过去事实相反 had done (should / would / could / might) have done
与现在事实相反 did / were (should / would / could / might) do
与将来事实相反 did / were to do / should do (should / would / could / might) do


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在编译课中我们学过,符号是编译中的重点,我们必须确保我们的每个符号都是“指向它应当指的地方”。但是在实际工程中,符号分散在多个文件中,可能会出现“符号相同”和“符号查找不到”两种经典的情况,所以每门语言都在尽力解决多个符号的问题,python 也不例外。

一般解决这种问题,都是通过一种加 namespace 的方式解决的,当我们有两个 name 的时候,可以考虑给他们分别一个 namespaceA.namenamespaceB.name 去进行区分。namespace 是一个很自然的事情,尤其是一个大工程,可以认为 namespace 本来就是一种很自然的嵌套的结构(尤其是与文件和目录结合在一起的时候),比如说“编译器的错误检测部分的错误类型中的未定义符号错误”,就是 compiler.check.ErrorType.UNDEFINE_SYMBOL 。我们在实际使用的时候,其实是不是担心我们没法把相同的符号区分开,而是担心“没法用较短的字符串表示我们想要的符号”,毕竟不是每个人都愿意在工程的任何一个地方,使用 compiler.check.ErrorType.UNDEFINE_SYMBOL 来描述一个枚举常量。我们更喜欢只用 UNDEFINE_SYMBOL 去表示。


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1.1 体系结构

1.1.1 总体结构


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1.1 需求描述

1.1.1 背景调研



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