

Just like the picture on this PowerPoint, today we are going to tell a romantic love story, the main characters of the story are Wallis (that is, the lady on the left side of the picture) and Edward (that is, the gentleman on the right side of the picture). Interestingly, even their initials together are the romantic “WE”. But believe me, their story is far more legendary than the coincidence of names.


I believe that we have more or less seen Qiong Yao’s novels or idol dramas, in which the heroes are very outstanding, they can give more than 100,000 dollars of money to the girl of their choice.They often talk about sending the Eiffel Tower and large square feet of the building.


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因为笔者鸽了,所以这里的代码就截止到 lab2 了,lab3 和 lab4 的代码在异常处理流那篇文章中有

MOS 源码解读




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1.1 硬件术语


我们电脑上有个东西叫做内存,他的大小比较小,像我的电脑就是 16 GB 的。它是由 ROM 和 RAM 组成的(“组成”可能不太严谨)。他也被叫做主存,我们为了访问他,所以需要给他的存储空间进行编号,这种编号被叫做物理地址

我们电脑上还有个东西叫做外存,他的大小比较大,像我的电脑是 256 GB的。它可以是磁盘,也可以是固态硬盘,还可以是 U 盘。我们访问它,也是需要对它的存储空间进行编号的,拿磁盘举例,我们一般用“分区-扇区”的系统来描述我们在访问磁盘的哪个区域。总之它是一个不在这一章重点讲的东西。

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一、ELF 部分

1.1 types.h

1.1.1 typedef

这是 types.h 文件,主要是给一些基本的数据类型起一个简单一点的别名。

/*	$OpenBSD: types.h,v 1.12 1997/11/30 18:50:18 millert Exp $	*/
/*	$NetBSD: types.h,v 1.29 1996/11/15 22:48:25 jtc Exp $	*/

#ifndef _INC_TYPES_H_
#define _INC_TYPES_H_

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *) 0)
#endif /* !NULL */

typedef unsigned char            u_int8_t;
typedef short                     int16_t;
typedef unsigned short          u_int16_t;
typedef int                       int32_t;
typedef unsigned int            u_int32_t;
typedef long long                 int64_t;
typedef unsigned long long      u_int64_t;

typedef int32_t                 register_t;

typedef	unsigned char	u_char;
typedef	unsigned short	u_short;
typedef	unsigned int	u_int;
typedef	unsigned long	u_long;

typedef	u_int64_t	u_quad_t;	/* quads */
typedef	int64_t		quad_t;
typedef	quad_t *	qaddr_t;

#define MIN(_a, _b)	\
	({		\
		typeof(_a) __a = (_a);	\
		typeof(_b) __b = (_b);	\
		__a <= __b ? __a : __b;	\

/* Static assert, for compile-time assertion checking */
#define static_assert(c) switch (c) case 0: case(c):

#define offsetof(type, member)  ((size_t)(&((type *)0)->member))

/* Rounding; only works for n = power of two */
#define ROUND(a, n)	(((((u_long)(a))+(n)-1)) & ~((n)-1))
#define ROUNDDOWN(a, n)	(((u_long)(a)) & ~((n)-1))

#endif /* !_INC_TYPES_H_ */
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1.1 equals()

== 可以用来判断相等,对于基本类型,判断的是值相不相等,对于引用类型,判断的是地址相不相等。

对于 Object 的 equals 方法,通过阅读 JDK 源码可知

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return (this == obj);
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North & South

1. 刻板印象

我看的是 2004 年的英剧,这个迷你剧是伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔的原著小说改编的。豆瓣上评价她是一直被低估,但从未被超越的英国古典文学作家。(当然,基本的装逼说法)。



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